Udayan Kanade's

12 March 2007
udayan at computer dot org
I work as CEO of Oneirix Labs. Earlier (2001–6), I was Chief Scientist at Codito Technologies.

Professional Interests:
  •Computer Science/Systems:
Parallel scheduling, multiprocessor programming, and OS, tools and language design.
  •Signal Processing:
Image registration applications, video compression, compression using non-linear dynamics, noise and vibration cancellation, audio antennae.
  •Computer Networks:
Bandwidth allocation frameworks, adapting to far network bottlenecks.

  Automation in Single Chip Parallel Programming - the “Cascade” Language (GSPx2005)
   Performance of Work Conserving Schedulers and Scheduling of Some Synchronous Dataflow Graphs (ICPADS'04)
  A Study of Arithmetic Genetic Encoding for Highly Randomized Fitness Landscapes (GECCO'99)
M.S. (Computer Science)2000-01 Stanford
B.E. (Computer Engg.)1996-00 VIT

I have been visiting faculty at VIT, MIT, PICT and Walchand, and have also taught independantly. The courses I have taught are:
Design and Analysis of Algorithms(10 times)
Fundamentals of DSP(4 times)
Advanced DSP(5 times)
Slightly Advanced Algorithms
Engineering Applications of LTI Systems
Other Interests: Music, poetry, literature, everything else.