Advanced Digital Signal Processing

Spring 2004

Course Topics

01. Convolution and Deconvolution Kanika Nema
02. Least Squares Matrix Inversion Ravi Ramaseshan
03. Introduction to System Identification Soam Vasani
04. AR, MA and ARMA System Identification Umaima Khilawala
05. On the Fourier Transform Prateek Saxena
06. Circular Convolution Tanmay Dharmadhikari
07. Computing the Convolution Aditya Thakur
08. Multirate Signal Processing Sameer Dhavale
09. Practical Resampling Amit Hadke
10. Filterbanks Umaima Khilawala
11. Probability and Statistics Kanika Nema
12. Linear Prediction Prateek Saxena
13. Random Processes Soam Vasani
14. The Innovations Process Aditya Thakur
15. The Levinson-Durbin Algorithm Ravi Ramaseshan
16. Weiner Filtering Sameer Dhavale
17. Spectrum Estimation Amit Hadke
18. Eigenvector Spectrum Estimation Umaima Khilawala
19. Solving Least Squares Problems by QR Kanika Nema

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Udayan Kanade